Games-Based Learning as an Interdisciplinary Approach to Literacy across Curriculum for Excellence
Literacy remains an area of concern in early secondary education in Scotland (ages 12-14), with recent research suggesting a continued decline in attainment levels. As literacy underpins learning, interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to teaching literacy are now being emphasized through the new Curriculum for Excellence that aims to address this issue. It is not clear, however, what types of learning activity are most appropriate for implementing this new, more cooperative approach. One candidate is the use of educational games and reflective writing. So, to what extent do learners demonstrate transferable literacy skills through engaging with educational games? This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the multi-user simulation game, Mars Colony Challenger (MCC), which portrays a scientifically accurate Mars colonisation mission in a way that aims to facilitate both scientific and literary development. A class of secondary school pupils (n=28) used the game within the context of a science class on ‘The Three States of Matter’. They then produced written narratives that captured the experiential learning undertaken. Comparing these narratives with the remaining pupils in the cohort, who had not used MCC in their science class, revealed a statistically significant difference in literacy ability. Further qualitative analysis of the narratives themselves highlighted a high level of engagement and inspiration evoked through the experience. Consequently, these results highlight the efficacy of MCC as a means of literacy development, and they suggest a means to elicit greater frequency of opportunity for pupil engagement with, and subsequent assessment of, literacy competencies.References
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van der Meij, H. et al. Learning from games: Does collaboration help? British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 42 No 4 2011 655–664
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Barab, S., et al (2005). Eat Your Vegetables and Do Your Homework: A Design-Based Investigation of Enjoyment and Meaning in Learning. Educational Technology/January-February 2005.
BBC. (2004). Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets (Press Release). Retrieved: 29/07/2013.
Begg, M., Dewhurst, D. and MacLeod, H., 2005. Game Informed Learning: Applying Computer Game Processes to Higher Education. Innovate, Vol. 1 (6),
Benn, E. Using Activity Theory to Inform Class Design. Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Black, P. & William, D. Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Though Classroom Assessment. Retrieved 19/06/2014.
Blunt, R. Does Games-Based Learning Work? Results from Three Recent Studies. Retrieved: 16/07/2013.]
Brown, A. L., & Campione, J. C. (1994). Guided Discovery in a Community of Learners. In K. McGilly, Ed. Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 229-270.
Corbin, J. (1998). The Basics of Qualitative Research. Sage.
Crawford, K. & Hasan, H. (2006). Demonstrations of the Activiy Theory Framework for Research in Information Systems. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Volume 13, Number 2.
Education Scotland. Curriculum for Excellence: Literacy and English. Retrieved: 25/06/2014.
Education Scotland. About Interdisciplinary Learning. Retrieved: 29/07/2013.
Engeström,Y, Miettinen, R & Punamaki, R. (eds.) (1999). Perspectives on Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
Engeström, Y. (2001). Expansive Learning at Work: toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work, 14(1), p. 133-156. Available at:
Fengfeng, K. (2008). A qualitative meta-analysis of computer games as learning tools. In R. E. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education (pp. 1-32), New York: IGI Global.
Fisher, R. (2012): Teaching writing: a situated dynamic. British Educational Research Journal, 38:2, 299-317.
Gee, J. (2003). What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. Palgrave Macmillan.
Greenfield,P. (1984). Mind & Media: the Effects of Television Video Games & Computers. In Videogames. (Fontana Paperbacks, London).
Hämäläinen, R., Oksanen, K., & Häkkinen, P. (2008). Designing and analyzing collaboration in a scripted game for vocational education. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(6), 2496–2506.
Hardman, Joanne. "Researching pedagogy: an Activity Theory approach."Journal of Education 45 (2008): 65-95.
Hashim, N. H., & Jones, M. L. (2007). Activity theory : a framework for qualitative analysis, in 4th International Qualitative Research Convention (QRC), 3-5 September, 2007, FJ Hilton, Malaysia.
Issroff, K. and Scanlon, E. (2002). Using technology in Higher Education: an activity theory perspective. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(1) pp. 77–83.
Jackson, J. (2009) 'Game-based teaching: what educators can learn from videogames', Teaching Education, 20: 3, 291 — 304
Kain, D. Activity Theory: An Introduction for the Writing Classroom. Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Kane, Pat. (2004). The Play Ethic: A Manifesto For a Different Way of Living. Chapter 2, pp. 35-64. In A General Theory of Play. (MacMillan, London).
LearningAndTeachingInfo. The Experiential Learning Cycle. Retrieved: 29/07/2014.
Lee, J., and C. Hoadley. (2007). Leveraging identity to make learning fun: Possible selves and experiential learning in massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs). Innovate 3 (6). Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
LTScotland. Curriculum for Excellence: literacy and English. Experiences and Outcomes. [Available at: ] Date of Access: 21/11/2012b.
LTScotland. Curriculum for Excellence: Literacy and English. Principles and Practice. Retrieved: 28/07/2013a.
Malone, T. (1982). Heuristics for designing enjoyable user interfaces: Lessons from computer games. Proceedings of the 1982 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Pages 63-68. Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Murphy, E. & Rodriguez-Manzanares, M.A. (2008). Using activity theory and its principle of contradictions to guide research in educational technology. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 24(4), 442-457.
Mursu, Á., Luukkonen, I., Toivanen, M. and Korpela M. (2007). Activity theory in information systems research and practice - theoretical underpinnings for an information systems development model. Information Research, 12(3) paper 311 [Available at]
Nardi, B.A. (1996). Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction. MIT Press.
Newman, J. (2004). What is a videogame? Rules, puzzles and simulations. In Videogames Chapter 2: pp. 9-28. Routledge, London.
Papert, S. (1998). Does Easy Do It? Children, Games, and Learning. Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Robertson, J. & Good, J. (2005). Children’s Narrative Development Through Computer Game Authoring. TechTrends, 49 (5). pp. 43-59.
Roth, W-M, & Lee, Y-J. (2007). Vygotsky’s Neglected Legacy: Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Review of Educational Research, 77(2), p. 186-232.
Royle, K. 2008. Game-Based Learning: A different perspective. Innovate 4 (4). Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Russell, David. 1997. Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis. Written Communication 14 (4):504-554.
Saldana, J. (2012). The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. (Sage).
Sardone, N. B. (2008). Digital Games for English Classrooms, Teaching English with Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 35-50
Scheibman, J. (2002) Inclusive and Exclusive Patterning of the English First Person Plural: Evidence from Conversation. In:
Achard, M. & Kemmer, S. (eds). Language, Culture, and Mind. (2004). CSLI Publications.
Scottish Executive, The (2013). Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy 2012 (Literacy). Retrieved: 16/07/2013.
Scottish Executive, The. (2004). A Curriculum for Excellence. Blackwell.
Scottish Qualification Authority, The. (1993). Progression from Standard Grade to Higher and from Higher to Advanced Higher. Retrieved: 16/02/2014.
Steinkuehler, C. A. (2004). Learning in massively multiplayer online games. In Y. B. Kafai, W. A. Sandoval, N. Enyedy, A. S.
Nixon, & F. Herrera (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 521–528). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of Qualitative Research. Sage.
Sutton-Smith, B. (2001). The Ambiguity of Play: Chapter 1, pp. 1-17, In Play and Ambiguity. Harvard University Press
Thompson, I. (2012), Stimulating reluctant writers: a Vygotskian approach to teaching writing in secondary schools. English in Education, 46: 85–100. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-8845.2011.01117.x
van der Meij, H. et al. Learning from games: Does collaboration help? British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 42 No 4 2011 655–664
Vieira, R.D., Kelly, G.J. & Nascimento, S.S. An Activity Theory-Based Analytic Framework for the Study of Discourse in Science Classrooms. Retrieved: 29/08/2013.
Wallace, C. et al. (2007). Assessment: A review of practice. Retrieved: 29/08/2013.
Wells, G. Coding Scheme for the Analysis of Classroom Discourse. Retrieved: 15/07/2013.
Wells, G. Dialogue In Activity Theory. Retrieved: 15/07/2013. and AT.pdf
Yamagata-Lynch, L. (2010). Activity Systems Analysis Methods: Understanding Complex Learning Environments. Springer
Zurita, G. and Nussbaum, M. (2007), A conceptual framework based on Activity Theory for mobile CSCL. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38: 211–235. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2006.00580.x
December 9, 2015
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